Friday morning I had the most helpful 2 hours of my entire week. I met with Dan Grissom, a key leader at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lisle. Very sharp guy. We talked about small group coaching, among other things. He posed this question to me, "You seem to know what you want a coach to be, so what steps are you taking to help a coach become what you want them to be?" This is a great question for all areas of leadership development.
My husband Troy tells me that he was listening to talk radio 780am. On some show he tuned into, they said that 75% (okay, he couldn't remember the exact percent, but it was high and over 50) of all managers fail in the first 18 months because the expectations were not clear. They didn't know what it was they were supposed to be doing.
Here's the take away for me:
- Be very clear what you are asking people to be.
- Have a clear, easy to follow plan that helps them become.
This is great for small group leaders with group members, small group coaches with their leaders, small group directors with their coaches, or parents with their kids; or wherever God has given you the opportunity to lead and influence someone else.
Hmm...what I am I doing to help small group coaches become? Honestly, I have to stop and think about that one. Any suggestions for me?