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Judy@In His Grip

You gotta to love generations of God love. Wow, that gave me goose bump!!!!!

Peggy Bergfalk

That picture is worth a thousand words - but I'll spare you :) - besides there just isn't enough room in the "comment space"!
I just don't enough pictures of family in my house - think I ought to frame this one and find a space for it? Dad says blow it up poster size and paste it on the ceiling!
Whatta think?


Lucky girls have cute men surrounding them. You are one lucky = God Blessed Girl.

Belinda Kendall

I know you value this beyond words now! Maybe it is time to "blow it up" poster size and hang it from the ceiling!

We love you and are praying for you and Troy as you walk through the valley of the "shadow" of death. It is only a shadow because we know that your father is walking with the SON of God in heaven where there is no shadow but life!

Love you and yours!
Belinda and Gary


really nice to share your love and be loved so much by those guys. They all seem great !

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