If you have ever been the leader of a volunteer team, you have probably had moments when you said, "I just need more people." And then you wonder why is no one joining the team?
Time to make the ASK. Making a successful ask for people to join your team of volunteers begins in your head long before you form the words with your mouth. Start by changing your thinking from exclusive to inclusive.
Exclusive Thinking: Stuff we think that keeps us "in" and others "out"
- Being on the team is a burden
- A person cannot be on the team because....(saying "no" for someone before we even invite them in)
- Being on the team is mostly about getting the job done.
- How few people do we need to get the job done?
Inclusive Thinking: Stuff we think that allows everyone to join the team
- Being on the team adds value to someone's life
- If a person cannot be on the team, they will tell me no (instead of us saying "no" for them before we even ask)
- Being on the team is mostly about building relationships
- How many people can we include?
Now go make the ASK. I am quite sure that when you do, you will make someone's day by inviting them onto the team.
You are full of helpful wisdom. I think you should write a book, hmmmm.
Posted by: Judy @ In His Grip | May 03, 2008 at 03:53 PM
I second Judy's motion!!!!! and everyone voted YES so guess it's a done deal!
Posted by: Peggy Bergfalk | May 04, 2008 at 11:32 AM