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Michael Buckingham

It's good to step out of our comfort zone...good for you! During my quiet time yesterday I was telling God that I loved the fact that so much of what I do is bigger than me, and causes me to rely on God.

A 6 series is a long series for postcards...you may be just as effective with a series of 4 all building on each other...just a thought.

Peggy Bergfalk

The post card idea is great - great questions to make people think! God is up to something big! Praying for all those that will be receiving them and the coolest thing of all is God knows just excately who all of them are!!!! Go Restore CC


Great job, Janet! It's so exciting to think about all the lives that will be changed....can't wait to hear the stories!


Michael, thanks for the input on number of cards. We have had success with 6 in the past, so I guess that's one of the reasons we decided to go for it again. Do you like the card?

Michael Buckingham

The only thing to be careful of with 6 is the spacing, you don't want to spam people's mailboxes. But if history shows that 6 is the best number, go for it!

You might upload the postcard to Church Marketing Lab. It's a place where people give feedback/critique on church marketing materials. http://www.flickr.com/groups/cfcc/

I think the postcard is good...I think it could be pushed further, create some interest and some surprise. Also the best way to handle a series of cards is to build one on top of the other, same theme all playing off the other.


I was suprised to see.. is God mad at you? that would never have occurred to me, I can say that.. does he care about me? Now THAT is a question I asked.

Janet McMahon

Anne, I am glad you have never asked that question. Unfortunately, over the years, I have met many people who are far from God, who assume that God is mad at them becuase of the "bad" stuff they have done. They don't know that God is their biggest fan and is waiting on the edge of His seat hoping they reach out to Him in their distress. My prayer is that this postcard speaks to those people and gives them hope.

mary yep

I love the idea on the cards. So tempting for a seeker. These are the what if questions that would really draw me in if I were looking to explore my faith. Very non-threatening and welcoming. Good luck. I look forward to seeing what God is going to do at Restore and how mightily He will use all of you!

Belinda Kendall

I was behind in reading your blogs so tonight (really this morning) when I finished posting mine at www.belindakendall.typepad.com I went to read yours! I guess great minds think alike! I love your message series at CCC! you are so creative!
May God bless you and may He increase your territory!
Our love and prayers, Belinda

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