This is just really, really good. And it made me think. It made me want to make some changes. And it made me excited about the future, and it made me believe that God is smiling. Check it out. Click on December 8 and 9 video. What does it make you think?
Restore Community’s first public Celebration event is scheduled for Thursday night, December 20th 7:00-8:00pm at the
High School
Auditorium. The event features Tommy Bowman of the Tommy Bowman Band singing your favorite Christmas Carols along with prizes for the kids and a surprise ending that will impact 150 people throughout the city!
I have been mysteriously silent on the Christmas Competition with my sister. All I have to say is this is NOT a stock photo. This is my real Christmas tree. Perhaps it is not about quantity, but quality...well, quality as defined by Wal-mart that is.