Jon Ferguson, John Ciesnewski and Eric Metcalf were by bosses over the 11 years that I was on staff at Community Christian Church. How lucky am I !!!! I know, I pinch myself everyday. In spite of all this wonderful coaching....I had a leadership oops yesterday.
I was brain-storming (by first mistake) I came up with four words that I think describe the why and the what of missional small group life. Around these 4 words I will create our turbo training small group curriculum. Then, aha, it occurs to me (duh!) that small groups covers kids, students and adults. So I gather the community team, Jessica - kids city director, Josh - student director and Luke- intern. I say here are the four words I came up with about small groups. What do you think?
If I could do it over again, I would say:
- Describe the what and why behind small groups
- If you had to pick your favorite word to describe the purpose for small groups what would it be.
- Let's brainstorm a list of words that describe the activities of a small group.
- Let's vote on our top 4 words.
That is more fun, more collaborative leadership.
Luckily, they gave me grace and we had great sandwiches at planet sub.