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Shes a beaut!

Eric Bramlett

The "naperville turnover" is treating you well...!


But does it have an easy bake oven?

Jill Williams

hot digity dog! not sure why i said that...just liked the sound of it. congrats...its going to happen!


Jill, glad you like it, cause we are calling the basement Nate and Jill's place.


It's beautiful on the outside, and filled with the McMahons and their friends, it will be beautiful on the inside too. Congrats!

Deb McClure

Janet....You haven't met me yet but I live in KC. My husband Tim is a KCMO police officer and we attended Legacy (Johnson County) for the 7 years we lived down south (not far from International House of Prayer actually.) Hopefully we will run into each other at the NACC. My in-laws will have a booth for GBM (Gospel Broadcasting Mission) and The Christian's Hour. If I don't find you, you can always leave me a message there. My family and I are very excited about the new church. We live up north and have been attending Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Liberty. We love it but we are very excited about a the new church. I was wondering where your new house is? We live in KC, MO but in the Liberty school district. Anyway, just wanted to say Hi! Looking forward to meeting you. Debbie McClure 816-222-4679 or 816-550-2170

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