We drew names last night in small group. Each of us drew the name of someone else in the group for a different kind of gift exchange. In this exchange we will buy a toy that reminds us of the person whose name we drew. Like if your names are Barbie and Ken....which believe it or not, we do have a Barbie and Ken in our small group and YES they are married to each other, then you could buy a Barbie doll. Then next week at group we will show our toy and share why this toy reminded us of this person. The toys will then be donated to the Brady/Bardwell Gift Mart in east Aurora.
Troy thinks that the person who draws his name should buy a GI JOE, because he is so buff and everything...it's either that or a weable. You know the one, "weables wobble, but they don't fall down."
What toy reminds you of Troy?